Friday 9 January 2015


this week on POINT OF VIEW i have a rather interesting question i'm pretty sure alot of lovers would have been wondering, As a guy or even a lady would you be willing to take a bullet for your boo?? me personally i don't concider myself being a boo_llet proof but the world needs your own #POINT_OF_VIEW on this, would you rather be A or B??

HAMATHAN (weather for two)

Truth be told, this is the worst time of the year to be either single or homeless because it feels like we suddenly switched climate with Russia, it would take a little more than a blanket or sweater to keep you away from this one, but if you are still not getting my drift,take a quick look at the pic above one more time, no doubt its a natural something, weather for two indeed, anyways i'm about to buzz my boo right now cos me sef i be human being oo, perfect weather, love never felt better, don't you just loooooooooove the hamathan. :D:D:D:D:D:D

Thursday 8 January 2015


Gone are the days when all that mattered to get layed was just sweet flatterings or good looks, ladies now are looking for real Men or at least someone with prospects of becoming one. speaking from experience i can confidently tell you this, Nobody wants to be with a looser or broke ass, if you are a Casanova and still broke, niccur you need to check yourself, the only cure for poverty is hard-work. bless!

Tuesday 6 January 2015


just as many fellas out there, i also have found myself in one too many friend zones, in fact it was so bad i started getting "Best Friend" zoned, yeah funny i know, it took sometime for me to discover the ultimate secret weapon to break out of such awkward friendships and i am going to share that with you guys today. if you are one of such guys and you wish to break free and be with the girl or woman you really love? first of all get to know her history every girl has a history, especially that of her past relationships, there is always that one thing their past lover couldn't give enough of, those things could be either ;attention,honesty,money and most times good sex. Whatever it may be, by getting to know her you can pin point what she's lacking and give her more than enough of it. What yhu need to know is that girls always subconsciously put them selves first so the only reason she still prefers you as a friend is because she feels you have nothing more to offer,make her believe you can provide that desire she could never have, and more importantly make her miss it in your absence,it always works like magic. Goodluck!!

Sunday 4 January 2015


first of all this is my blog,so i don't care what the right decision would be in a normal situation, right now i'm speaking for myself on this one and this is to those particular fellaz or rather "GENTLEMEN" who choose to marry before having sex, bro.....things are no longer what they seem, when i met my ex girl she said she was a virgin but when i eventually went down low i was heart broken cos her  poozy looked like she pisses baby's for a living. Be on a safer side, sample the product and know the density like this bad guy on the pic above lol, a word of advice??? yhu need to put that poozy on a chain wax niccur!!!

Saturday 3 January 2015


Had a serious talk with my home boy NICOLAS DAVID (ND2) yesterday the 2nd of January 2015 about flowbeatmusic and the official opening of the website, and as it turns out i get to be a part of the next big thing for hypes and showbiz in Nigeria and probably the world,  we talked about having an opening party next month and got few entertainment crews such as storm entertainment,rave entertainment and others in abj to collabo.  So now all negotiations for hypes,events,adverts and lots more on the site ( will go through me and of course if i'm indisposed at the moment it will be handled by my home boy ND2, the other day i made 20k just by pinging,and i didn't even ping for more than 15 mins, its a really cool start, you can almost see what the future holds, anyways for the opening event we are planning a party for that by February and there are gonna be two guest star appearances, but i wont disclose them so that my oga at the top will not you know....ehnheen confam yhur head is there lol.
For those who may be interested in working with this site for any business  whatsoever pls mail me at:
and pls bare in mind that getting this information from this blog alone gives you a 50% discount on any package. bless!!

About Me

My name is Daniel Ajabor Berris, one thing is sure,i am not a celebrity....well not yet anyways, i'm just a regular everyday guy trying to
share my life experiences and tell my own story in less than a thousand words at a time...
the truth is very bitter so definately i'll expect alot of people to hate me in the future for this because
some of my posts may be a lil too personal or casted lol, i'm free to any comments,criitics or oppinions weather annoying or reasonable
i'm a very realistic person, so expect what i post on here to be things that happen on a regular daily basis and feel free to throw more light
 or comment if you have to, there's alot more about me but i guess i'll literally keep you posted lol. for now thanks for reading and stay blessed.

Friday 2 January 2015


This week on P.O.V we have a very interesting question certain people may have controversial oppinions about, In the course of recent events i've had reason to belive that alot of people share diffrent views on this particular question, can you be in a relationship without sex? maybe you can or maybe not but do share your answer and reasons for those out there who might be in such a relationship and aren't sure if it's the right or wrong decision, leave your comments below. happy seasons everyone #TGIF