Sunday 4 January 2015


first of all this is my blog,so i don't care what the right decision would be in a normal situation, right now i'm speaking for myself on this one and this is to those particular fellaz or rather "GENTLEMEN" who choose to marry before having sex, bro.....things are no longer what they seem, when i met my ex girl she said she was a virgin but when i eventually went down low i was heart broken cos her  poozy looked like she pisses baby's for a living. Be on a safer side, sample the product and know the density like this bad guy on the pic above lol, a word of advice??? yhu need to put that poozy on a chain wax niccur!!!


  1. True but not true we have to respect women for them to respect us cos they deserve it

  2. i know,this has nothing to do with respect whatsoever, this is about knowing who you are planning to spend the rest of your life with.
